Getting a student loan is common these days. A lot of financing companies are willing to provide existing and incoming students with money they can use to pursue their education. However, since plenty of students are needing financial assistance, these lenders seem to take advantage of the situation. Some of them are hiring third-party collection agencies to make the collections easier but little did they know that these agents harass students just to collect the payment from them. One example is Reliant Capital Solution. If you have existing loans with this collection agency, here’s how you can stop them from harassing you and collecting your money.
What is Reliant Capital Solution?
Before we dig deeper into how you can get rid of Reliant Capital Solution, let’s first determine who they are and what they do.
Reliant Capital Solution, also known as RCS, is a third-party collection agency located in 670 Cross Pointe Rd, Gahanna, Ohio. It was founded by Margie Brickner in 2007, which has additional branches in New York. Brickner claims that she has 35 years of experience in collections. The company employs over 400 people who are the backbone of the business, according to RCS. You can check out its website at for more information about the company.
RCS has received many complaints and allegations of harassment and violations of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA). Based on some of the complaints, the company is creating false statements just to collect from the students.
Is Reliant Capital Solutions legit or a scam?
Reliant Capital Solutions is a legit company. it was established and incorporated in Columbus, Ohio per the disclosure of the Better Business Bureau (BBB). This company is and sometimes use other names such as Reliant Recovery Solutions, LLC, and RCS. The company’s profile has about 20 phone numbers and websites that you can visit.
RCS claimed that it works professionally, ethically, and legally throughout its collection procedure. It also defines its employees as highly skilled negotiators who have been making a difference for their clients. Included in its mission is its commitment to its clients. It considers itself a company that is good at problem-solving. On top of that, it has long-term partners who are dedicated to giving clients the best results.
Who are the partners of Reliant Capital Solutions?
Reliant Capital Solutions collect for different financing companies in higher education, automotive, healthcare, commercial, retail, and teleservices. It acts as the collection agent of those lenders. As part of its program, RCS provides flexible services such as payment monitoring programs, customer service programs, cure programs, skip tracing, customer retention programs, custom phone campaigns, asset searches, and legal services. Its management also gives digital call recording, agent monitoring, and real-time reports to its partners.
RCS only mentioned how ethical and professional its workers are but not to the extent that it can provide any information regarding the compliance policies and training of its staff. There are also no links and references to laws, agencies, and consumer protection resources.
Are there any complaints against Reliant Capital Solutions?
Yes, BBB was able to close 11 complaints against RCS in October 2017, of which 2 of them were closed within the past year. All of these complaints were allegations and issues connecting to its collections and billing. Meanwhile, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was able to close 24 complaints against RCS. Justia also listed about 8 civil litigation cases where RCS is the defendant.
BBB has posted an announcement that a lot of clients from the United States have reached out to them complaining about RCS representatives falsely claiming themselves as government workers from agencies like the Attorney General’s Office. This has risen the alarm among the public.
How can I contact Reliant Capital Solutions?
Here’s the complete information regarding RCS:
Company Name: Reliant Capital Solutions, LLC
Address: 670 Cross Pointe Road, Gahanna, Ohio 43230
Phone Number: 866-837-5096
Can Reliant Capital Solutions file a case against me?
According to the law, it is not legal for a debt collector to threaten, sue, or garnish the income of students. Having a loan with a partner they collect for is not a crime, therefore, it is unlikely for RCS to sue you for your debt or when you can’t pay on time. However, it is still possible for them to ask the court to summon you when there is default judgement. Hiring a student loan advisor or a lawyer will help at this point.
How can I stop student loan collections from Reliant Capital Solutions?
There are pretty easy ways to get rid of Reliant Capital Solutions. To stop student loan collections from them, this is what you need to do.
1) Provide evidence of RCS harassing or threatening you to pay.
Reliant Capital Solutions have been harassing and threatening students and other borrowers for quite a while now. If you have experienced the same, it is recommended for you to keep their messages as evidence. If the harassment happened through a phone call, it’s better to record the call the next time they call. The more evidence you have, the more chances you have to get rid of them by filing a suit.
2) Get a student loan advisor.
Next, you have to get a student loan advisor to help you. Student loan advisors are proven to contribute to the success rate of filing complaints against debt collectors. If you have one, it is easier for you to strategize your moves. Don’t try to settle the issue by yourself as you will likely receive more threats if you will fight the battle alone. Let us help you!
When hiring a student loan advisor, you need a couple of factors to consider. Experienced, professional, and competent student loan advisors are likely to have more solutions to fix your issues with RCS. They have more knowledge compared to other advisors who are just starting in business. Choose someone who has handled enough clients in the past years so you can assure that you are working with the right person or company.
3) Provide feedback on their website to inform other students.
For sure, RCS has promoted its customer service that is claimed to help you whenever you discover problems with the company and its people. If talking to its customer service representative doesn’t work, leaving a review on its website helps a lot. Your feedback matters here and it will help other students to know how RCS acts when collecting payments. Plus, it is also a way for the company to notice your concern. If RCS really cares about its brand and its clients, it will do anything to solve the issue on its own, rather than seeking the help of the court.
4) Report RCS to BBB.
Reporting RCS to BBB is also one way to help yourself and other students. BBB has already announced that there are clients in the US contacting them to complain about RCS’s behavior as a collection agent. Some representatives are even identifying themselves as a member of a government entity. With this regard, BBB said that this is a clear violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Debt collectors should inform that they are from a collection agency so that customers can avoid giving confidential information that will threaten them personally. Reporting to BBB is a good approach to seek legal advice them and it helps the organization as well so that they can continue to count the allegations involving RCS.
5) File a case against RCS.
Can you file a case against RCS? Definitely yes, especially if it involves the collection of your personal information, falsely hiding their identity, and harassing you over the phone. BBB has said it already–it is illegal for a debt collector to claim that he/she is from a government agency just to collect any data or money from the customer. It is against the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and you can use this as a ground for your case.
You can also sue RCS for harassment if you want to recover cash for violations or enforce your rights. Remember that you are protected by federal laws, which means that you can demand compensation for damages done.
Get your student loan out of collections
There are a number of ways to get your student loan out of collections. You can opt for student loan consolidation for better debt management. Student loan consolidation is ideal for students who are paying more than one student loan with different interest rates and payment due dates. All your loans will be consolidated into one so that you will only have to pay a student debt in the future.
Rehabilitating your student loans is another way to avoid RCS and collections. This approach allows you to create a payment scheme with the Department of Education. This will help you come up with a better plan that’s more affordable. Usually, rehabilitation is in favor of the students.
Student loan advisors are the best choice to get out of student loan collections. If you need student loan assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team can accommodate you at any time of the week. We will be happy to assist you!